Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Can you say "Scapegoat!"


McClatchy gets in on the job of debunking the racist scapegoating on the financial crisis.

UPDATED: I have been directed to the following article in Slate that addresses the rediculousness of the economic arguments laid out below. It is not meant to address the race baiting and the scapegoating of this woman's column.

Well, now that we know the cause of the total collapse of our economy what should we do about it. Hmmmm.

I learned everything I needed to know by reading the "Social engineering derailed our economy" by Diana West in my local paper The Columbia Daily Tribune. Which I promptly cancelled. I love reading the paper, always have. I will be finding a new paper to read.

...race-based social engineering virtually created the sub-prime mortgage
industry that has transformed the U.S. economy into The Titanic

race-based goals create the sub-prime mortgage industry, which,
having imploded, triggered the current economic crisis

junked all bottom-line, non-racial markers of mortgage eligibility...steady
employment and clean credit to the all-important down payment,

This paved the way for increasingly unconventional "subprime" loans for
all (including rubber-check-writing deadbeats, speculators and
novices-in-over-their-heads of all races)

(all races. wink wink)

affirmative action lending" practices were foisted on the banking industry at
the national level, particularly during the presidencies of Carter, Clinton and,
yes, George W. Bush

Having read this column I was infuriated. The rest of it isn't much better. It is just an assinine attack on Barack Obama. You know William Ayers etc. It is one thing to attempt to smear Obama when your team is losing and losing badly. I expect to have conservative voices in local newspapers. I actually read a number of them and have a great deal of respect for some of them.

But to lay the cause of the current financial collapse on what.... poor black people. You have got to be freakin kidding me. As I said before I immediately called the Columbia Daily Tribune at (573) 815-1700 to cancel my subscription. I then called the trib talk number (573) 815-1776 to let the editorial section know of my cancellation.

My next action was to go to the web and look up the following

1. a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.

I found the definition quite interesting in light of the article.

After that I located Media Matters page listing all the papers that are publishing this trash.

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