Thursday, December 8, 2011

What a difference 4 years make

Two ads by GOP candidates for President. The 1st from Governor Mike Huckabee in 2007 and the 2nd by Governor Rick Perry in 2011.

I don't agree with Governor Huckabee on a lot of issues. However, this was a classy and effective ad.

I agree with Governor Perry even less. I hope this is simply indicative of his own personal lack of class and not a reflection on the GOP as a whole.

This might be a good time for Sister Sarah to do some "refudiating".


Monday, November 21, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

OWS / Tea Party: Two sides of the same coin

I happened upon this post after following a couple of links on the subject of OWS and the Tea Party.

I mentioned in a post a couple of days ago my belief that moneyed interest were able to hijack the sentiment and passion of the Tea Party Movement and misdirect it through slight of hand.

"Voters can be persuaded that their moral well being is more important than their financial well being. What I have been amazed at and confused by was how successful the Rick Santellis, Koch Brothers, Karl Roves, Grover Norquists etc could fool these voters with financial issues."

Blogger James Sinclair posits his opinions on the similarities of the two movements in his post Occupy Wall Street vs. The Tea Party.

"We should pay less attention to the individual lunatics, and more attention to what a movement is really about. Occupy Wall Street, at its core, is a reaction to the increasing power and influence of large corporations. The Tea Party, at its core, is a reaction to the government's constant interference with private enterprise. But wait a minute—aren't those things connected?"

The fact that there is a very large group of people in America that are reacting to the increasingly "large and powerful influence of large corporations" scare politicians that rely on said powerful large corporations. This is one major reason you will see the establishment right wing and the corporatist attempt divide the two movements. You will see the elite attempt to dismiss and undermine the validity of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

If the supporters of these two movements were to combine their anger and energy in the same direction it would be a force for true change in America.

Maybe the best part of Mr. Sinclair's post was his third footnote.

By all means, leave a comment if you think I'm wrong, but it's a myth that big corporations are anti-government, right? They don't want to have to compete in a free market, they want to "compete" in an artificially restricted market.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An attempt to dismiss Occupy Wall Street: Rebutted

5 Myths of Occupy Wall Street

1) Myth: The protesters are pushing for anarchy, support violence and communism.

2) Myth: Most Occupy Wall Street protesters don’t know what they’re protesting.

3) Myth: The protest is simply a liberal tea party.

4) Myth: Occupy Wall Street is a paid group aimed at re-electing Obama.

5) Myth: The protesters are hypocrites. They say they hate the banks, but they bank. They buy from big corporations. They’ve been spotted at McDonalds.

David Weidner of MarketWatch debunks the 5 basic myths

The devils greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist

The greatest hoax of the last couple of decades has been the ability of the right wing to co-opt members of the struggling lower middle class and lower class and pretend they speak for them while enacting policies that enable the super-rich.

I understand how the super rich have been able to use social issues to achieve this goal. Voters can be persuaded that their moral well being is more important than their financial well being. What I have been amazed at and confused by was how successful the Rick Santellis, Koch Brothers, Karl Roves, Grover Norquists etc could fool these voters with financial issues.

The quote above comes from John Cole over at and his post title Long Division

To clarify for those that need clarifying, I am not suggesting that rich = devil. There is just a familiarity with what has occurred over the past 30 years and the old saying about the devil.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Understanding Occupy Wall Street

Moderate to Conservative Blogger Andrew Sullivan discusses the movement and it's necessity.

Why Occupy Wall Street is here to Stay

This is not socialism. It's pointing out how capitalism, unchecked by government, can kill itself. But if this issue is left unresolved or defended in the brain-dead fashion of many in the GOP, it will soon become so.

Impassioned, Informed, Enraged.

Is America primed for a progressive populist movement. I often felt that much of the rage of the tea party was reasonable but somehow misdirected. I will suggest that the Koch Brothers, Dick Armey, Grover Norquist's etc. were successful in manipulating outrage at Wall street and outrage about Barack Obama's election intertwined it and directed the outrage away from the root cause.

Occupy Wall Street is redirecting the rage back toward the causes of our current situation. Now when you have a movement that is as open as suggesting we are the 99% there are going to be people on the fringes speaking out and many members of a media that are ruled by ratings will be focusing on these few.

Right now there are few people speaking to the rage with as much knowledge and passion as Elizabeth Warren. Check out this latest video where Warren provides a historical breakdown:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Herman Cain takes the lead

Public Policy Polling (a democratic, but highly accurate polling firm) has ran 3 state polls over the past week and Herman Cain has used his bounce from the Florida straw poll to take the lead in all three.

West Virginia, Nebraska,and North Carolina shows Cain in the lead over Gingrich and followed by the field. This tells us a couple of important things, 1) the GOP base has not settled on anyone (specially on Romney) and is still looking 2) that debates matter.

June 2nd. That was when I wrote my post about watching out of Cain. We will have to see how things play out in the next couple of weeks to see if his bounce lasts or if Christie might burst his bubble.

Herman Cain may have put the nail in Perry's short lived misadventure into national politics. The story of Perry's hunting camp the racist signage present might have been manageable with the GOP base that would instinctively rallied around Perry as being the victim of a liberal media witch hunt. Herman Cain spoke up and has put Perry in a corner on the is story and more importantly Perry's supporters. This could be a very good sign of Cain's ability to go for the kill.

The Question remains is Cain simply the latest Palin, Trump, Bachmann, Perry or will he maintain his upper level of support once he weathers increased media scrutiny. My biggest question is in all his time on the radio subbing for Neil Bortz is there audio that is going to be difficult to defend.

Here are some thoughts on some of the questions I asked above. They come from progressive organization Mother Jones , but are quoting leading conservatives.

RedState, Erick Erickson concluded, "It also seems to be a slander Herman Cain is picking up and running with as a way to get into second place." Glenn Reynolds remarked that until now, Cain's "big appeal is that he's not just another black race-card-playing politician." Over at the Daily Caller, Matt Lewis called Cain's remarks "a cheap shot, and, perhaps a signal that Cain is willing to play the race card against a fellow Republican when it benefits him."

Must watch video of the day

Is the perfect GOP candidate out there?

Bill Maher analyzes the prospects.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Herminator wins in Florida Straw Poll

After Herman Cain's surprise win in Florida yesterday I thought I would link back to a quick post I put up earlier in the summer.

Election Perspective

My only point at this time is,I expect Mr. Cain to gain some more serious traction in the near future within the Tea Party segment of the Republican party. If Palin doesn't run (which I have serious doubts that she will) a sizable portion of her base could follow Mr. Cain.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The end of DADT

I respect and thank all those who have and continue to serve our country. A special thanks to those that did so with an extra weight on their shoulders.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tea Party Congressman Calls For Tax Breaks To Put Out Raging Wildfire In District

The Onion breaks the story

Tea Party Congressman Calls For Tax Breaks To Put Out Raging Wildfire In District

"We must act now. The longer the oppressive tax burden on honest, hardworking individuals remains unaddressed, the larger and more deadly this fire will become."

Yes it is a lazy way to blog, but damn the Onion can be spot on.

Friday, August 26, 2011

A little sunshine please

The recent spate of economic news has been worrisome at best. It is nice to see good news hit. In particular there is good news in the area of manufacturing. The Los Angeles Times headline says it "Carmakers' rebound is driving jobs in U.S."

From a trough two years ago, Ford Motor Co., General Motors Co., Chrysler Group and other auto companies have added almost 90,000 manufacturing jobs, a 14% increase, according to federal employment data.

These are good jobs with solid pay rates and benefit packages. The kind of jobs that built an American middle class. These are the type of jobs and this is the type of manufacturing that has positive spill over effect for related industries and connected communities.

This kind of expansion is important to the economy. Including factories, suppliers and dealers, the U.S. auto industry employs about 1.7 million workers and supports an additional 6.3 million private-sector jobs, according to the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Mich. The center said those positions represent more than $500 billion in annual compensation and more than $70 billion in personal tax revenue.

It is a small drop in the vast ocean of the American economy, but as the rains of Irene and the forecast of a possible double dip it is worth the time to read a little good news.

Of course, as all things jobs related this will touch on Presidential Politics. Take a quick look at Obama v. Romney re: the Auto Bail out.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You don't need evidence when you "absolutely believe"

Representative can't explain how Bush Tax Cuts "created" jobs.

If most conservatives were honest they would simply say Rich deserve tax cuts because they work harder and tax money just pay for the lazy. Instead they try to make up excuses. Remember Bush's initial justification for Tax cuts was the government was running a surplus( yes a surplus when he ran for election ) Then when the economy softened the justification was to spur the economy. So to follow if the economy is good cut taxes for wealthy if economy is bad cut taxes for the wealthy. Follow that.

You can see why it would be hard to point to hard evidence. I kinda feel sorry for the guy, because you know he "absolutely believes".

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mandatory Reading - Warren Buffet edition

Warren Buffet lays it all out.  With you know facts and figures, not talking points.  Such as:

Last year my federal tax bill — the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf — was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4 percent of my taxable income — and that’s actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. Their tax burdens ranged from 33 percent to 41 percent and averaged 36 percent.

I would note that a net of nearly 40 million jobs were added between 1980 and 2000. You know what’s happened since then: lower tax rates and far lower job creation.

I could copy and paste the whole article as he makes strong argument after strong argument based on factual reality and not emotional response. (probably the same way he invest his money).

I will include a couple of links to this commentary as it is on the New York Times website and I am not certain how their paywall will affect the links.

Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Debt by President.

Top 5 Contributors to US Debt

1) Reagan
2) Bush (W)
3) Nixon / Ford
4) Bush (HW)

5) Carter

Damn facts and their liberal bias.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bachmann pulls to the front, Cain settles into the middle of the pack

In the horse race news of the GOP Primary fight PPP is out with a couple of polls providing good news for Michelle Bachmann and to some extent Herman Cain.

"In Oregon Bachmann gets 29% to 28% for Romney, 10% for Ron Paul, 9% for Newt Gingrich, 7% for Herman Cain, 6% for Tim Pawlenty, and 2% for Jon Huntsman. In Montana she leads with 25% to 22% for Romney, 11% for Gingrich, 10% for Paul, 9% for Pawlenty,8% for Cain, and 4% for Huntsman."

Bachmann has jumped to the top of the pack in Iowa, Montana, and Oregon in the most recent polling. Cain is sitting comfortably in the middle tier of candidates. I suspect the Cain would be polling slightly higher right now if Rep. Bachmann hadn't caught on so wildly. (Quick note: Montana and Oregon polls do not include Palin).

The real take away at this early junction is that there is a solid faction of maybe the "establishment Republicans" that are attempting to solidify around an "electable" candidate such as Romney and a solid anti-Romeny pro "purity" faction searching for their candidate. Today that candidate is Michelle Bachmann.

The wave of polling just prior to these last three releases showed said consolidation around Romney and these most recent polls maybe showing a reaction to this perceived agreement on Romney. All this said, the long term significance is limited. At this time the most significant aspect of this polling is for Pawlenty. If Bachmann sucks all the oxygen out of Iowa and Romney runs the table in New Hampshire the Pawlenty campaign may be very short lived.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

As expected Cain jumps in popularity

As I predicted back in a June 2nd post Herman Cain is jumping in popularity among the Republican faithful.

The latest poll from PPP shows Herman Cain in 2nd behind Mitt Romney.

Romney leads our newest poll with 22% to 17% for Herman Cain, 15% for Sarah Palin, 9% for Newt Gingrich and Tim Pawlenty, 8% for Michele Bachmann, 7% for Ron Paul, and 1% for Jon Huntsman.

It's interesting that Cain has surpassed Palin as the candidate of choice for the 'I'd rather lose than sacrifice' crowd.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quick 2 Cents

I was only able to watch last night's debate for a short period of time. My limited take away is that Bachmann may have eliminated Palin as a candidate. While I believe Rep. Bachmann may at times be on the edge of courting the batshit crazy members of the party, she showed an ability that Palin never has.

Michele Bachmann seemed to be comfortable and in command at the podium. She was able to generate red meat sound bites in a manner that Sarah simply can't do. Ms. Bachmann should be very well positioned to assume large groups of Sarah's following and a number of former Huckabee supporters. Those who were looking to support Cain, may also be inclined to give Bachmann a second look.

(I don't think Palin was ever running) If Palin were to jump in the race seemed to be breaking down to two camps. Romney was winning the "reasonable" "mainstream" better chance to win camp and Palin representing the "purity" "passion" camp. It appears the Rep. Bachmann may have leap frogged to the front of the pack in the latter camp.

All this being said, tomorrow is another news cycle and things can change quicker than the weather.

After putting together this quick post I drifted upon 538's article which articulates some of the same themes as above.

"The comparison between Ms. Bachmann and Sarah Palin is perhaps made too easily. But as I remarked on Twitter during the debate, if there is a constituency of voters trying to decide between the two, Ms. Bachmann has a lot to offer. She’s considerably sharper on her feet than Ms. Palin, and has more discipline. She does not have the baggage of “blood libel,” a reality show, or having prematurely quit her term as governor. Her family story — a mother to 23 foster children, as she frequently reminded us — is every bit as compelling. She has considerably better favorability ratings — Americans who are familiar with her split about evenly on whether they like her or not, which is not true for Ms. Palin. She has a geographic advantage in Iowa, has devoted more time to her presidential campaign and has a reputation as a strong fundraiser."

Updated: with necessary caveat re: Bachmann via Jonathan Bernstein

"Yeah, I'm still very much a Michele Bachmann skeptic. Yes, she got good reviews last night. Also, Herman Cain got good reviews after the last debate, and Donald Trump had momentum before that. She's less implausible than those two, but next time she'll have to do more to impress, and we'll see where it takes her."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Twitter oh Twitter what have you wrecked now? - Kinder edition

I first became aware of Lt. Governor Peter Kinder's twitter problem back in February. This Politico article describes the tweet in question.

In February, he tweeted that his Democratic friends “can’t stand being reminded of the century-long vicious, racist, bigoted, KKK, segregationist, history of their party” — and added a smiley face to the end.

I remember responding with something to the effect of

"@PeterKinder Are you going to stick with defending liberal Republicans over Conservative Democrats?"

It became pretty clear once I started following him on Twitter that he had a discipline problem and a poor sense of appropriateness. More tweets followed and at times I responded to the thin air of the twitterverse. I recall Lt. Governor Kinder repeating the "lie of the Year" that Health Care Reform cost thousands of jobs, and I was finally blown away by the fact that he felt it was appropriate for a sitting state goverment official to be linking to Andrew Bretibart. To be honest I was embarrassed and said so. Kinder added his uninformed two sense to the hugely important Common at the White House debate.

It appears I am not the only one embarrassed by Lt. Peter Kinder's actions. Politico provides a tale of Missouri Republicans concerns about Kinder's chances at winning the Governors race in 2012.

Fox News the Next Crossfire

Jon Stewart is often credited with destroying the long running CNN franchise Crossfire with his appearance.

I have often thought that he is intent on the same result for Fox News. He is known for a relentless attack on Fox News' lack of ethical "journalism". One may suggest his focus on Fox "News" is partisan. His response might be something like this.

I know I criticize Fox News a lot, but only because you're a terrible, cynical, disingenious News Organization

Fox News the Lupus of News!

It appears that Fox "News" is having a bit of a ratings slide as per the following article. Are the two related?

Jon Stewart's ratings are higher than all of Fox News

"Jon Stewart is the biggest threat to Fox News’ future out there. He is literally teaching his audience, which is bigger than FNC’s, how to see through the partisan propaganda that Rupert Murdoch has based his network on. Stewart is educating an entire generation of viewers on how to watch cable news, or more specifically how not to watch Fox News."

As a result:

This effect is especially strong with views under the age of AARP eligibility. It appears that Fox News is preaching to the Choir while The Daily Show is winning the converts. (disclaimer: 16 months ago Glenn Beck was the king of TV, so things can change) The difference this time the popularity is based on busting the bubble of the blowhard.

"While Stewart is on the rise, Fox News had a really, really bad May. Total viewership was down 10%, and Fox News lost viewers in the 25-54 demo in every prime time show. Bill O’Reilly was down 9%, Sean Hannity was down 6%, and Greta Van Susteren dropped 12%."

Monday, June 6, 2011

For the record, My guess

RE: the Weiner affair.

Here is my guess on what went down. My guess is that Mr. Weiner did in fact send the pictures to a lady in question. The lady in question is, I believe a middle aged women. I am guessing that the pictures were part of an on going chat between Rep. Weiner and this unnamed lady and were either solicited or at least welcomed.

In addition I believe somehow one or all these pictures got in another persons hands. At this point the picture was posted to Rep. Weiner's Yfrog account. Thus creating the story allowing for the release of the additional pictures and the story of the unnamed lady.

I am guessing it wouldn't be much of a real story if Rep Weiner simply sent some embarrassing pictures to a lady who asked for them or at the least welcomed them in a consensual manner.

Watching a Breitbart scandal unfold is like watching a "magician" do a card trick, your always looking for the mis-direction. Frequently with the Breitbart gang the trick is to lead with the crazy over the top innuendo attention getting headline grabbing statements. They allow the news cycle to carry the headline and then afterward, the truth trickles out. Resulting in everyone remembering the front page story and not the page 6 retraction.

I really got this sense when Breitbart announced that this unnamed lady would come forward - tomorrow. A day after the release of the additional photos. Why? My guess is the tale the lady will tell will not be as damaging as the imaginations of everyone speculating overnight.

Rep. Weiner will be addressing the situation today at 4:00 3Central. We'll know more then, maybe.

For the record I looked my response to the Rep. Chris Lee affair back in February and my response was

KurtJack "If the picture(s) was all there was to the Rep. Chris Lee story I would defend him, that this was no one's concern."
9 Feb


And I was wrong!

Friday, June 3, 2011

American History "Tea Party" edition

Palin gives Bachman a run for her money on American History.

Mistakes made, leasons learned?

When the new jobs number were released this morning(a very anemic 54,000) I instantly harkened back to a column by @Paul Krugman. The article spells out the danger of a too soft and too short of a stimulus. He argued you'll get one chance at a stimulative fix to the economy and that if you come up short danger lies ahead.

I believe the analogy was taking a running start at climbing a steep hill. If do so you better make sure you make it to the top of the hill. If you don't you'll end up slide back down the hill worn out and not prepared to make another stronger run at it.

I had intended to search for the article, quote and link it. Well Mr. Krugman beat me to it this morning with his column "The Mistake of 2010".


Here is the original post

Here is the exclamation to the analogy
I’d add that there may also be a political tipping point: if the stimulus package is too weak, conservatives will pile on after it fails to deliver, claiming that the whole concept has been discredited.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Election Perspective

I wanted to get this down somewhere and felt if I tweet it some might find it offensive.

I have for awhile now said Huntsman is the GOP candidate that I think has the best chance of truly challenging Obama. His recent showing in a PPP poll of Iowa shows the major hurdle he has in front of him. PPP only found one Republican voter in Iowa that supported him as their first choice.

I have also been keeping an eye on Herman Cain for a few months. I first heard about him on the net somewhere writing a poem about Jesus. Then about a month ago when reading through the comment section of a story on the GOP hopefuls, it clicked.

This particular commenter said he was supporting Cain, because Cain would split the black vote and win the Republican vote ensuring a path to the Whitehouse. I initially dismissed that as simplistic thinking along the lines that Palin would split the women vote.

Cain did not embarrass himself in the first televised debate about a month back. He has seen his popularity within the GOP base increase of late. I just saw an article that said Herman Cain's candidacy proves that the tea party isn't racist. Hmmm. I am not trying accuse anyone of anything. That logic does sound an awful lot like "I am not racist, some of my best friends are black". Substitute candidates for friends.

My only point at this time is,I expect Mr. Cain to gain some more serious traction in the near future within the Tea Party segment of the Republican party. If Palin doesn't run (which I have serious doubts that she will) a sizable portion of her base could follow Mr. Cain.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Thoughts on North Africa and Middle East

I haven't blogged much, but watch the twitter feed to the right of the page for thoughts and links.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

two cents / two points

Two interesting aspects of the Egyptian situation.

1) the importance of the population dynamic. The percentage of the population under 30 years old.

2) The US centric response of many in America. How this is about us, how this affects us, what we should / should have done.

EGYPT, I have few thoughts to offer, here are some resources

Live Blog

Al Jarzeera English

Watch my titter feed to the right.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Insult to Injury

A local perspective from Tucson

But it is insulting to the memory of those lost, to the needs of those wounded physically and psychically, to the calm professionalism of those who responded, and to the community that has rallied with symbols of hope and actions of support, to criticize a moment when we came together.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My reactions

I am in agreement with Charles Krauthammer on assessing the Presidents address

Charles Krauthammer, however, cautions against minimizing the importance of the speech, saying it will have a lasting impact,

arguing President Obama was very effective and established himself not just as head of party and head of government but also as head of state.

Why oh Why could this not have been the response.

Not a politician or a political consultant, but try this on for size.

"While I have been falsely accused of having had an impact on these horrendous actions the wounds that I have suffered in no way compare to the loss of the 6 beautiful people and their families in Tucson. While America has great struggles to work through, now is a time for all of us to unite in our sympathy of the true victims of this heinous act."

Need I say more

"Today has been set aside to honor the victims of the Tucson massacre. And Sarah Palin has apparently decided she's one of them," - Josh Marshall.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Randomness continued There is no equivalence

Andrew Sullivan has a few thoughts I wanted to pass along

"If the [North Koreans] start anything, I say nuke ‘em. And not with just a few bombs," - Glenn Reynolds.

"I’m not filling out this [census] form. I dare them to try and come throw me in jail. I dare them to. Pull out my wife’s shotgun and see how that little ACS twerp likes being scared at the door," - CNN's Erick Erickson.

“My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed," - South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, on people who receive government aid.

“[NPR executives] are, of course, Nazis. They have a kind of Nazi attitude. They are the left wing of Nazism," - Roger Ailes.

I have referenced Sullivan before and here again I think is a solid sentiment from a moderate libertarian (if such thing exist)

Random thoughts on the unthinkable.

Still jotting thoughts. We know it is common in times of war to dehumanize our enemy. "Japs", "Gook", "Savages". I am guessing (as I have been very fortunate, not to be in this position) it is somewhat easier to deal with taking out life if that life is less then human.

Is it possible, that while Laughner was not influenced directly by cross hairs or speaking of watering the tree of liberty with blood, that our opponent is not merely wrong but evil, Un-American and tyrannical and the conspiratorial talk of Obama and his Democrats trying to undermine America allowed him a similiar sense of less than human. Is this the atmospherics that are being discussed. Is it possible that a person who is struggling with reality may more easily convince himself that such an action is reasonable. I don't pretend to know the answer.

A couple of other random thoughts.

Does the fact that his target was specifically a politician and a sitting member of the House of Representatives make it "political" by default?

Does the atmosphere of heavy metal, rap etc contribute to the radicalizing of the disturb can you argue that music does and pundits and politicians don't or vice versa.

Last thing for now. Even if you are convinced that absolutely nothing said or done over the past 2 and half years contributed to this attack, isn't appropriate to take a look and see if your actions and speech are acceptable. Does this not call for a time for self-reflection instead of knee-jerk defensiveness.


In continuing the dissection of the America's reaction to the shootings in Tucson here is an article that I think makes a very strong and objective argument. It is admittedly from a left leaning site. However, it is a very reasoned perspective. Please take a look it expresses a lot of the various thoughts running through the current diaglogue.

American Prospect

As we debate what kind of rhetoric is and isn't objectionable, it would help if we could make some specific distinctions and keep some important things in mind. To that end:

A terrorist by any other name?

My obsession over the past few days has been the reaction to the Tucson Assassination and Terror attacks. I am reading and listening as much as I can. At this time there is too much emotion and sentiment to put everything into a nice little box. Here is just one of the many thoughts that have crossed my mind. Should this attack be referred to as a terrorist attack. How many times since 9/11 have we been warned about the potential of a terrorist running into a mall with an automatic weapon and opening fire. If the main goal of a terrorist is to cause terror was this suspect successful. Below is a quote that I came across in my reading.

Rasmussen Reports

Tierney, who described the alleged shooter as nonideological, thinks his friend's motive was "mainly to just promote chaos. He wanted the media to freak out about this whole thing."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Enough already

6 innocent people are dead. Several more are injured. Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, and Laura Ingraham are the victims.

Give it a fucking rest. Even if people were directly blaming you (and they are not), and no one is going to take away your freedom of speech, just give it break.

Shut the fuck up for a little bit. Okay. Zip it. You'll have plenty of time to spew what ever it is you want to spew. No, you come back the first the day on the air and spend 30 seconds saying how bad you feel for the families and the next hours of how the left does it (bullshit). Give it a GD break.