Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain visits Columbia draws crowd of...

Sorry that's the wrong picture. McCain draws crowd of 15 at Columbia, MO.

This was posted as a joke. However, it is very telling. This dovetails into the anecdotal stories of the two campaigns ground games. As an example about two weeks ago I got a call from the Obama campaign saying there was going to be speaker in town that afternoon regarding Obama's energy policy. I was unable to attend, my wife went in my place. So with two hours notice the campaign put together an audience of 10 people to see the Obama's National advisor on energy policy. If you walk into the Obama campaign office right now at 9:43 am on a Tuesday you are going to find no less 10 people in their working. I can assure if Obama or Biden or Michelle Obama for that matter where to coming to town the organization would be all over it and their would be a large enthusiastic crowd there to greet them.

If this is the difference in ground games here in the heart of a battleground state, then the Obama camp has an advantage that is difficult to quantify. Mind you Columbia, may be a University town but it is in heart of the bible belt of Missouri. It is surrounded by the kind of towns that the McCain camp would classify as real and pro America. Plus surely there are some enthusiastic College Republicans that could have found some time to meet their leader.

A little video tribute to the Presidential visits to Middle America.

1 comment:

eric said...

Thats pretty funny!