Thursday, October 2, 2008

A little humor to ease the pain of the Cubs loss

I find this particularly funny having had the chance to work a number elections as a poll worker.


eric said...

Funny :-)

So is there going to be some sort of catastrophic event to postpone the debate tonight? Did you see the most recent clip with Palin regarding Hamas? More clueless blabber.

I am really wondering how the debate will come across...

MysteryJ said...

The debate is a big question. She can't possibly be this bad. I just don't buy it. The bar is lowered so low now. Will she be able to impress? I think we all had an idea how last Friday's debate might play out, if not the actual details. Tonight I am totally lost. One thing that has crossed my mind. With the mini Ifill situation is that going to give the right something to concentrate opposed to the actual debate.