Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Letter to the Superintendant of Schools

Open to Letter to Superintendant of Schools Quincy, IL

I am writing to express complete amazament and embarrassment at the decision made to "protect" students from President Obama's stay in school message.

The fact that you were a teacher and coach of mine, I have attempted to see the situation from your point of view and give you the benefit of the doubt. However, I can not understand the cowardly approach taken at the behest of a handful of hyperpartisan members of the community. As a teacher, as a coach, as a superintendant of schools leadership is one of the most improtant requirements. It is obvious in this situation such leadership was traded for an attempt to find an easy answer.

I must say this decision reflects extremely poorly on this community in the light that a great number of Quincy students have a personal connection to this President. Then Senator Obama's trip to Quincy a mere 16 months ago shook their hands and touched their imagination and now they are given the message that the President is not to be trusted is simply heartbreaking.

It is too late to make this decision right. I can only hope that the decision makers in future display the backbone to fight for our children and not cower from the mob