Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day by Day, Door by Door

The little guy and I went into the office this Saturday am. The paid staff are together in a central location receiving training for the final GOTV (get out the vote) push. That left us volunteers working with volunteers. We have been organizing a big push for canvassing this weekend. Their were two full time volunteers there and three of us Neighborhood Team Leaders organizing the canvas of all Boone county. In addition we were operating a phone bank, stuffing envelopes, and entering data.

I have to say thank you to the little guy I had promised to be there for 3 hours as I didn't know how long he would be able to control himself. We walked in at 8:45 and walked out at 3:00. He started off by making Obama buttons for all the volunteers . You can see his "Catholics for Obama" button on his shirt. Of course he eventually ended up watching Scooby Doo.

The turn out was respectable. We have a lot of doors to knock, voters to reach, and phones to call. It is very pleasing to see someone walk in the door and say I want to help. I was able to stay for the firsts two waves. The first wave being somewhat larger then the second wave.

Not surprising considering the MU football team is hosting Oklahoma St. tonight. I believe I saw more cars parked for tailgating then people can fit in the stadium. When I drove by at 8:30 there were a large number of cars already parked and tents set up.

We were a little slow getting the first wave out the door, but when we did we had about 10 teams hitting the street. The first group starting tricking back in at about 1:45. We have three weeks to turn Missouri blue and change the world.

Just think this scene was been recreated in 39 other offices around MO and hundreds if not a thousand offices across the country. I would venture to guess this office is medium in size comparatively.

The little guy had so much fun he wanted to know if we could come back tomorrow. I am not certain if his motivation is to change the world or to watch more Scooby Doo movies.

A map of the Missouri and surrounding campaign offices is below.

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