Sunday, October 19, 2008

Secretary of Rationale

We pretty much knew the Powell endorsement was coming. We didn't know how far he would go and on what basis. More importantly we didn't know what kind of effect it would have. I was thrilled to see that Powell spoke directly to Obama's character, readiness, leadership, and vision. I was even more thrilled to hear him call out the McCain - Palin camp and thier divisive attacks. I have mentioned already that I am concerned that the nature of the campaign is driving many of the worst instincts in many people. It is not just the fanatics showing up at the rallies. We had an actual US Rep from MN on Hardball recently suggesting that thier are some Pro American and some Anti American members of Congress.

Whomever wins this election is going to be facing an extremely difficult challenge in restoring order into the economy, our foreign relations, and our domestic relations. The McCain camp is only worsening those prospects in hopes of scaring his way to victory. He'll worry about how he will govern afterword. Obama has been leading in a manner that will be inviting and welcoming to all Americans to join in the forming the solutions we are going to need. I am pleased that Powell spoke directly to these differences on Meet the Press. In addition to his great appearance on Meet the Press he followed up with a post Meet the Press Q & A.

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