Monday, September 22, 2008

Does Canvassing really help?

I got this question this morning from a person I happened upon and is an Obama supporter. I realated my experience as to why I thought it does and how it plays into the overall strategy for voter registration and turnout. I came home and did my usual surfing and happened upon with an article discussing in depth the effectiveness of canvassing. There is also a pretty interesting descprition of the activities involved in the canvassing effort by the Obama campaign.

Having spent a few hours on Sunday canvassing I have to say it isn't necessarily easy. It can be fun and can definately be fulfilling. There were a lot of people not home. I did come across one lady who was leaning toward Obama but hadn't quite finalized her decision. To her husbands dismay she spoke with me for a few minutes after closing the door behind her. I answered the policy questions I could, I marked the issues she had questions about so we could forward her the appropriate literature. Most importantly I related why it mattered to me and how I came to be a volunteer. I truly felt after our discussion she was much more confident in her deicision. I am a very average looking 40 year old male and the fact that I was doing this to better the future for my son was very reassuring her.

Here in Missouri and probably other parts of the country I think people are looking to be reassured it is okay to vote for Obama. I get the "there is something I don't trust about him " quote alot.

I can't imagine what that could be.

The impact of neighbors talking to neighbors in this election has an even greater potential of convincing people to vote for Obama. I also believe there are people out here who just assume they would never vote for Obama. Never really thinking it through. Again this is an area where personal contact may convince them to reconsider why they are or they are not voting. It took me almost a month to convince myself to go out and canvass. I am glad I did and will being so again next week.

Update: I cross posted this over at DailyKos and it received quite a bit of discussion that may be worth looking at.


Anonymous said...
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MysteryJ said...

Billy Bob Thornton was that supposed to an insult or a compliment. Now if you would have said Angelina I would have been flattered.