Friday, September 26, 2008

Does any one else feel bad for her?

Am I the only that is starting to feel bad for Sarah Palin. Not in a manner that excuses her but just bad. The three snippets for the Couric interview are just amazingly horrible. I honestly do not think I am exaggerating. It feels like she has been asked to totally scrub her own thought process and memorize everything John McCain stands for , which by the way John is not even forced to do.

One just feels her searching for what talking point to plug into what questions. It also feels like she is scared to death that she might mess up. It is also very apparent that she has been able to get away with using her gee ain't that great folksy charm to get herself out trouble before. Regardless she does not instill a sense of confidence and definitely leads one to question John McCains judgement all that much more. The situation she is in is a result that McCain tapped someone with no credible standing and therefore has no room for error and she appears to be buckling under the immense pressure.

When I start feeling too bad for her I just think back to the one appearence she did deliver well. The Republican National Convention. Everything seems right and I score one for the community organizers out in the world.


eric said...

Um...robot answers. You are on the money with the talking points.

Sometimes she doesn't even answer the question, she just tries to plug in a scripted answer that doesn't quite fit, which makes her look like an idiot.

Oh, and memorization of everything McCain stands for? That would be tough, considering that its hard to keep up with the trends of what he stands for. It changes day to day. No wonder she is having trouble.

That little folksy charm was just fine for Hannity, but it didn't quite work so well with Couric.

MysteryJ said...

Does hold up to Couric. Who would have thought a year ago that Couric's journalistic prowess could break a VP candidates chances.

eric said...

No kidding, kind of a shocker :-) Good for her though!

Anonymous said...

I actually felt embarassed for Palin during this interview. It's high comedy for sure but this person could easily become president. That's a major concern for this country. She seems totally over her head.