Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What to make of McCain's gamble?

Two things stick out. Well maybe three

1) Washington Post/ABC poll has Obama up 9 point in their poll released today.

2) See my previous post regarding the possibility of this race getting out of control posted last saturday....

The McCain campaign is aware that this could get out of control at any moment,
over any reason. Obama's foreign trip was one example and the McCain camp
handled it effectively if not tastlessly. The Democratic Convention was another
spot where it could have gotten out of hand and thus the wild card pick of
Palin. We are now looking at the current financial crisis. This crisis is
undoubtley benefitting the Obama camp and rightfully so. The question remains is
this where the contest gets out of control. We will have to wait and see.

Considering how a majority of Americans are skeptical of John McCains's reasoning for picking Sarah Palin his current gamble is going to be viewed through this same skeptical prism.

We already have the first signs as such via SUSA snap poll

Results summarized.

50 % hold debate
36 % hold debate focus on economy
10 % suspend debate.

An irony of this is that he may have had a better chance on pulling this stunt if he hadn't already ruined his reputation with the Palin pick.

1 comment:

eric said...

I really like that 9 point lead. I think McCain is a bit worried that with the debate the Obama lead might get bigger and things will just get too far out of control for him.

I really like Obama's view (go figure) about the idea that the President has to focus on many things at the same time so we might as well go ahead and have the debate!