Monday, October 10, 2011

Impassioned, Informed, Enraged.

Is America primed for a progressive populist movement. I often felt that much of the rage of the tea party was reasonable but somehow misdirected. I will suggest that the Koch Brothers, Dick Armey, Grover Norquist's etc. were successful in manipulating outrage at Wall street and outrage about Barack Obama's election intertwined it and directed the outrage away from the root cause.

Occupy Wall Street is redirecting the rage back toward the causes of our current situation. Now when you have a movement that is as open as suggesting we are the 99% there are going to be people on the fringes speaking out and many members of a media that are ruled by ratings will be focusing on these few.

Right now there are few people speaking to the rage with as much knowledge and passion as Elizabeth Warren. Check out this latest video where Warren provides a historical breakdown:

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