Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bachmann pulls to the front, Cain settles into the middle of the pack

In the horse race news of the GOP Primary fight PPP is out with a couple of polls providing good news for Michelle Bachmann and to some extent Herman Cain.

"In Oregon Bachmann gets 29% to 28% for Romney, 10% for Ron Paul, 9% for Newt Gingrich, 7% for Herman Cain, 6% for Tim Pawlenty, and 2% for Jon Huntsman. In Montana she leads with 25% to 22% for Romney, 11% for Gingrich, 10% for Paul, 9% for Pawlenty,8% for Cain, and 4% for Huntsman."

Bachmann has jumped to the top of the pack in Iowa, Montana, and Oregon in the most recent polling. Cain is sitting comfortably in the middle tier of candidates. I suspect the Cain would be polling slightly higher right now if Rep. Bachmann hadn't caught on so wildly. (Quick note: Montana and Oregon polls do not include Palin).

The real take away at this early junction is that there is a solid faction of maybe the "establishment Republicans" that are attempting to solidify around an "electable" candidate such as Romney and a solid anti-Romeny pro "purity" faction searching for their candidate. Today that candidate is Michelle Bachmann.

The wave of polling just prior to these last three releases showed said consolidation around Romney and these most recent polls maybe showing a reaction to this perceived agreement on Romney. All this said, the long term significance is limited. At this time the most significant aspect of this polling is for Pawlenty. If Bachmann sucks all the oxygen out of Iowa and Romney runs the table in New Hampshire the Pawlenty campaign may be very short lived.

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