Thursday, October 13, 2011

OWS / Tea Party: Two sides of the same coin

I happened upon this post after following a couple of links on the subject of OWS and the Tea Party.

I mentioned in a post a couple of days ago my belief that moneyed interest were able to hijack the sentiment and passion of the Tea Party Movement and misdirect it through slight of hand.

"Voters can be persuaded that their moral well being is more important than their financial well being. What I have been amazed at and confused by was how successful the Rick Santellis, Koch Brothers, Karl Roves, Grover Norquists etc could fool these voters with financial issues."

Blogger James Sinclair posits his opinions on the similarities of the two movements in his post Occupy Wall Street vs. The Tea Party.

"We should pay less attention to the individual lunatics, and more attention to what a movement is really about. Occupy Wall Street, at its core, is a reaction to the increasing power and influence of large corporations. The Tea Party, at its core, is a reaction to the government's constant interference with private enterprise. But wait a minute—aren't those things connected?"

The fact that there is a very large group of people in America that are reacting to the increasingly "large and powerful influence of large corporations" scare politicians that rely on said powerful large corporations. This is one major reason you will see the establishment right wing and the corporatist attempt divide the two movements. You will see the elite attempt to dismiss and undermine the validity of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

If the supporters of these two movements were to combine their anger and energy in the same direction it would be a force for true change in America.

Maybe the best part of Mr. Sinclair's post was his third footnote.

By all means, leave a comment if you think I'm wrong, but it's a myth that big corporations are anti-government, right? They don't want to have to compete in a free market, they want to "compete" in an artificially restricted market.

1 comment:

Robert said...

My honest opinion of the whole tea party movement is that it was started because of one thing -- the color of the skin of our President. The bottom line is that the race of our President has more to do with what is going on in politics nowadays than most people know. Sad state of affairs if you ask me.