Monday, February 15, 2010

Something has changed

I have been sensing for a few weeks now. I have thought about blogging about it. The main thougth process has continually come back to David Plouffe. It appears he has returned to a closer more involved position with the White House.

The news broke around January 23rd. This was just after the Scott Brown victory in Mass. If you compare that date to the linked graph you will see it corresponds to an even approval / disapproval rating before a slight and steady improvement.

It would be unwise to use the tracking polls to be the only measure of the effect in this change. We have had a bit of a bump with a half step back and now slight uptick. Looking at a graph the impression one gets is that the President may have hit bottom and maybe starting a course correction.

Some of things that one can point to are the State of the Union address, the face off with the Republican House Caucus, Biden on Meet the Press, and the impending Health Care Summit. The utilization of OFA (organizing for America) seems to have become a little more focuses as well.

In addition I was just reading some quotes regarding the "White House" stating that they allowed Congress too much latitude in the messaging on Health Care. That President Obama with adjust and focus the messaging.

I am not convinced of the results. However, it feels better for whatever that is worth. Candidate Obama frequented talked about the rope a dope on the campaign. It feels like he has decided to come off the ropes and start counter punching. Only time will tell if he took too much of a beating over the last 12 rounds (months) and can he be effective. Fingers are crossed.

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