Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The American Taliban (for real?)

The American Taliban is a book being researched and written by Kos. In support of the book Dailykos has conducted a poll with self-identified Republicans and the findings are down right scary. At the same time a friend sent me a chart laying out the beliefs of the religious in the American broken down by state.

Some of the more worrisome findings.

QUESTION: Should Barack Obama be impeached, or not?
39 32

QUESTION: Do you believe Barack Obama wants the terrorists to win?
24 43

QUESTION: Do you believe Barack Obama is a racist who hates White people?
31 36

QUESTION: Should contraceptive use be outlawed?
31 56

I completely respect a person's different approach to governing even when I disagree. That is a theme I try to return to. However, the handful beliefs listed above go far beyond a disagreement over the best approach to lead. Impeach? for what? Contraception outlawed? Obama is racist who hates white people? Obama wants terrorist to win?

This is down right frightening!

This link from shows the difference between a pro and a novice. It is definately worth looking at. It breaks down the individual questions along the crosstabs. The point of the article is the uniformity of all groups. This is true with also the consistent theme that the south and males are even more "republican" than the republicans.

The corelation is striking.

Click on the chart below for a bigger view. A general finding the more religious a state the lower the iq, the more people in poverty, higher the crime rate, and less content and less healthy.

Take one part Dailykos poll above, one part Nate Silver's analysis, and one part the chart to the left and you get my wonderful blog posting. That and you also get Andrew Sullivans take

This, to my mind, is a function of ideology and religion, rather than ideas and politics, being the core elements of a party. It's also a function of Fox News creating a national ideology through a national propaganda arm of the RNC.

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