Sunday, August 17, 2008

McCain '00 Vs. McCain '08

Gov. Dean said it best, John McCain of 2000 would not even vote for John McCain of 2008. People feel they know and are comfortable with John McCain. After all they have seen and heard of him for over 20 years. The only time he usually popped up on the national radar was when he took a stand against the republican party. Therefore a caricture has been developed that sticks with the public. I am doubtful if many could truly tell where he stands on any issues other than war (for more of it). It is hard to blame the public as it seems John doesn't even know or remember where he stands. Plus as we have found out he doesn't even speak for the John McCain Campaign.

I have frequently thought that McCain could be a principled compromise as a presidentail candidate even considering some of the truly conservative positions he has clung to. We must remember though that he lost the primary in 2000 and badly. It seems he isn't as slow learner as we thought. He has showed an amazing ability to bend truly hardened principles for political expedience and hide behind his built up reputation of honor while throwing bombs radomly at Obama. The spotlight needs to turn back to who is John McCain and what does he stand for.


Unknown said...

What a sad old man...he doesn't seem to know what he believes. What a telling video. He and so many other politicians, just say whatever is the "right" thing to say to get elected. It seems like such a joke.

MysteryJ said...

Thanks for the comments it is nice to know one isn't simply talking to the wind.