Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lasting Affect

I confess. I did not watch the Forum on Faith last night. I like most everyone who is not addicted to politics did something else. In my case dinner with the in-laws followed by rooting Michael Phelps on to his 8th gold medal.

The quick impression from the reviews and reports is that McCain won. Whatever that truly means. The other nugget that keeps coming up and may prove to have a longer lasting affect was Exxon John's answer regarding "What is rich?".

$5 million in income would qualify as rich according our man from Arizona. This is one snippet that could play out quite effectively in an ad campaign that fits an emerging narrative regarding Mr. McCain. It will be interesting if any of this is remembered through the noise of the Olympics, VP, and the convention.

It could be easy to use this in an ad in a couple of months. We'll have to wait and see.


Unknown said...

With all the Olympics going on, I didn't even give it a second thought...

I don't know if its just me, but with all the local political things going on and the past 2+ years straight of presidential politics I am happy to have the Olympics as a distraction. I think I'm pretty much tuned out of politics right now until they get either the VP info floating around or until closer to November. It really is fulfilling the Daily Show title "The Long, Flat Seemingly Endless Bataan Death March to the White House". Maybe my attention span is just too short...

MysteryJ said...

That death march comment is that some kind of slight to McCain. You know he was a prisoner of War. POW. John McCain prisoner of war, you know POW.