Friday, January 8, 2010

This just simply has to stop.

Liberals are not perfect or innocent, Democrats are especially not perfect or innocent, and I definately am not either. However, all this bullshit by the Republicans simply has to stop.

Hypocrisy in Politics is rampant and it drives me crazy and we see it on both sides of the aisle. That being said there are simly too many assholes out there trying to make political points over the Christmas Day attempted bombing. The famous quote from the McCarthy hearing "have you no sense of decency" rings truer and truer as everyday passes. Bold face lying from Dick Cheney to Peter King to Rudy Guilliani maybe normal business in the Health Care Debate and expected to a certain extent.

When these scum go out there and lie when some jerk tries to kill 300 innocent people enough is enough.

A few facts. 9/11 happened when Bush was President. I am not even argueing that it was his fault. There has been a spate of Republicans stating there were "No" terrorist attacks under the Bush Administration. Rudy "America's Mayor" made this statement today, Mary Matatlin advisor to Dick Cheney stated this a couple of weeks ago. This is nothing but a big fat lie. A big fat lie about the death of thousands of Americans.

For those who do not have as big of balls as Cheney et al. there is the statement that Bush kept us Safe, (Well Except for 9/11). That is a pretty big fucking except. Somehow the "us" in that statement doesn't extend to the thousands of men and women killed in Iraq for a war that was unncessary at best, and damaging at least.

President Obama doesn't "believe we are at war", he doesn't use the word terror enough. Damnit do these people think we are on school playground somewhere.

Do these same people remember making the argument that you shouldn't disagree publicly with the President when are at war. That it is aiding and abetting the enemy to have an open and honest debate about the merits of a war. These imbeciles who hid behind the flag of patriotism back then to support a stupid ass war now jump at the first chance to attempt to damage a sitting US President. No wonder so many people are turned off by politics. I am not going to suggest these people don't have a right to question the President or are unpatriotic to do so.

No. But they are complete dipshits for the way they are doing it. You may agree or disagree with the decision to put the underwear bomber in the court system. Be honest enough to accept that is the exact same thing Bush did with Reid and you expressed absolutly no concern back then. Matter of fact a number of Republican's took it as matter of pride to say hey look what Bush dide. Do not suggest that Obama doesn't care about American lives because he made the same decision that Bush made. Again this is irrelevent whether or not you agree, it is simple honesty.

With two wars, terrorist attempts, 10% unemployment, an ongoing debate about Health Care, can we have some damn adults for a change. This is one reason that everytime a crisis has been brought before the country and President Obama whether or not you agree with his decisions you have to appreciate that we have a President that is acting like adult and expecting those around him to do the same. (I am so thankful when I wake up every day and read the paper I don't read a headline about President McCain or President Bush.)

Remember these assholes are not arguing on merits they are lying! Take a few minutes to watch.

1 comment:

eric said...

Well said. You are pretty obviously fired up about this and you have good reason to be.