Monday, January 11, 2010

I am Magic

All I have to do is think and somehow The Daily Show puts together a piece with moving pictures and sound.

Nostalgia. Good Ole days. God love 'em. I had a friend who was born in India and moved here when he was young. For some reason I don't understand he would stay stuff like I wished I lived in America back in the 50's. It seemed so cool back then.

That always confused me. I am not sure how well recieved a dark skinned thick accented Hindu would have been received in my hometown back in the 50's. Back in the 50's whether it was legal or not segregation was pretty much the standard. Where else should I go with this?

Instead of my old fashioned words take a look for yourself.

1 comment:

eric said...

They sure have a way of putting things in perspective :-) Love it!