Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kill The Bill?

Many progressives have started the chorus of Kill the Bill and start over.

My gut reaction is very similiar, and I understand the desire to do a better job than what this piece of legislation is going to end up looking like. In addition as an active progressive I can completely concur with the feelings of wanting to stick a fork in the eye of Senator Joe Lieberman. (FBI: you are monitoring this, that was a figure of speech).

Kill the Bill and start over with a clean slate. That is what is coming from various corners of the liberal masses. I believe one of their greatest concerns, which I fully agree with, is that politicians will attempt to sell this as the reform that was promised and say all done. The result being a water downed bill and then politicians turning their attention to more important things you know like running for reelection.

That would be very difficult to swallow as a person who has fought hard over the last 14 months or so trying to improve our system. However, is there a middle ground to grab hold of? Is it possible to Pass the Bill and start all over?

In football it is often the right call to punt on 4th down even when you were so close to getting that first down. Why? Football is a game of field possession. When you make great strides to move the ball down the field, it often makes more sense to punt to protect that field position instead of going for it all, missing, and setting the opposition up in even better position.

I know, a very clunky comparison. I guess what I am asking is it better to take what we got and keep fighting? One of the very simplest and most important aspects of Health Care Reform was that no person should go broke from getting sick. I guess, if the bill before us does that and I am not sure it does, then maybe we should punt.

I reserve the right to say that there is potential that this bill does more damage than good. In that case Kill the Bill might be the right call.

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