Friday, November 21, 2008

Role Playing

You be the judge. Follow the link to Minnesota Public Radio. You can be the judge regarding voters intent on challenged ballots in the Minnesota recount.

Which Coleman is currently leading by about 136 votes.

Check out this video of challenged ballots. I am not going to suggest that the Franken camp is not doing something similiar, I simply don't know but it is apparent that the Coleman campaign is attempting to increase the number of challenged ballots. One theory is to make sure that Franken doesn't overtake him in the recount. That way if his lead is overturned by "challenged ballots" it will somehow delegitimize the outcome and find a grounds to take the decision to court.

As I have mentioned in a previous post
Republicans have learned the importance of perception of these battles.

What is going to happen is the candidate with the initial lead is going to claim victory and refute all other counts. The leading side will accuse any election official who does not side with them in stopping the legally defined and required process as untrustworthy (which is what happened to Sam Reed (R) in Washington state).

It worked effectively in 2000 for Bush, silghtly less so in 2004 for Rossi -WA gov. race. The Franken campaign is doing the best it can to fight Colemans narrative. One by releasing this video which may or may not be part of the official Franken campaign. The Franken camp is also going on the offensive in shaping the narrative by releasing their own tally regarding where the recount stands.

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