Saturday, November 15, 2008

History near and far

As mentioned below I have been meaning to post about the lessons Pres. Elect Obama has learned from history. I have special interest in the lessons he has taken from the Lincoln Administration. With the speculation of Senator Clinton as Sec. of State we all have heard by now about the book "Team of Rivals". It truly is a fascinating look into the Lincoln Administration, their egos, their faults, their strengths and how they prevailed in the darkest hour of American history. The biggest lesson was his opponents either came to have tremendous respect for and loyalty to him or they were eventually out witted by him.

One more amazing take away was truly his ability to forgive (not necessarily forget) someone of their assaults agains him and move forward.

Another moment was at the convening of the first cabinet meeting. Lincoln was the least experienced and least polished politician going into the room. Custom had been up till this moment for the cabinet to work as committee with a democratic vote taken on the issues. Lincoln had no of that. He encouraged opinions by all but asked for no vote. He made the decision and it was his to live with. The cabinet members walked out of that room with a totally differenct opinion than when they walked in.

Notes about the clip above.

Is it sad I was watching that debate live when it happened? (I mean Dec. 07 like 22
months before the election.)

This was about the peak of the Clinton meltdown and Obama's rise.
The Philadelphia debate where Clinton spent the whole night
trying not to answer questions. Especially the one regarding
New York State's proposal to grant driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

This debate where she came off pretty much like she did in this exchange.

Obama delivers his address at the Jefferson Jackson dinner in Iowa that
ignited the room and told everybody that this guy has a chance of toppling
the Clinton machine in Iowa.

1 comment:

eric said...

Geez, I didn't remember that little he just knew what was coming! I really look forward to seeing the complete cabinet that he puts together. Very interesting stuff so far. I love how confident he is. Not afraid to have people who will challenge him.