Friday, April 10, 2009

The Not so "Silent" Not so "Majority"

And Glen Beck truly wonders why people suggest such outrageous talk from him and others could be attributed to the violent actions of people across America.

This is reaching the level that the Presidential campaign reached at the Palin - McCain rallies. Glen Beck believes (or pretends to believes) that he is speaking for the silent oppressed majority. Anyone watching the polls knows that President Obama's approval rating is staying right at 60% about 7% percent higher than the actual vote he received. His approval is almost universal across policy and position.

I understand why entertainers can afford to incite an ever shrinking base of voters they need just enough of a niche market to make themselves rich. It has worked marvelously for Hannity, Limbaugh, and now Beck. Politicians on the other hand need to appeal to more than just that shrinking base.

I once heard a business concept that it is not good to be increasing market share in a market that is decreasing. This appears to be exactly what is happening on the right. They are succeeding in increasingly excite the ever shrinking percentage of voters. This concept is a relic left over from Rove - Bush. The concept was to excite the base, scare the middle and suppress the left. This works when the base is close to half of the population. Not so much when your base is topping out 30% and the middle is siding with the President by a decent majority of the time.

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