Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Just because he exists"

The above is an interesting article about the republicans confusion on how to react to President Obama. There was one quote that particularly stuck to me.

“Our base is getting frustrated,” said one top Republican at the Capitol. “They hate Barack Obama.”

This quote reminded of the quote I used in the title. "just because he exists" This is what one teabag supporter stated when it was pointed out that any parrallel to the Boston tea party was inaccurate because, you know they had rep. they just lost. Then it was pointed out that this particular person would be getting a tax cut under President Obama. His final statement in frustation was that he didn't like him "just because he exists".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A little fun

And the Hannity's of the world are spending time talking about Obama using a Teleprompter?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wanna See Somthing Scarey?

Watch this interactive map show job losses and gains by county for past 2 years.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A few good quick reads.

In fact, even if you add all the other federal levies people pay in addition to income taxes — such as payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare and excise taxes for gasoline, alcohol, tobacco and other items — the combined federal tax rate was 20.7% in 2006, the latest year for which figures are available. That's less than one percentage point higher than the three-decade low of 19.8%, reached in 2003.

Another Blog Read worth the time

Sarah Palin depressing supporters on the right

Take a look at Krugmans newest post. He hits alot of the concerns I feel. I would love to feel all is getting better. I am more concerned that we are currently fooling ourselves. Krugman is not shy about disagreeing with the administration. I guess it is a matter of hope for the best prepare for the worst.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bi-partisan - Grass Roots Protest (really?)

This video shows a Florida progressive who happens to get a chance to speak at one of the tea bag events.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Worth the Price of Admission

I was finishing up our taxes yesterday (I always wait till the end, for no reason). The little guy was inquisitive, like always, what I was doing. He then followed up with what are taxes.

Hmm. How to boil this down to a 6 year olds level. The simplest concept I could think of, "it is the price we pay to live in America".

This answered seemed to satisfy his question for now. I hope he continues to ponder on this and come back to it, like he does on most issues.

This conversation got me thinking. How do we compare and what do we get for our price of admission. Well basically there are only a few countries that have lower taxes than the US. Korea, Japan, Mexico, and Ireland.

Personally I might consider living in Japan but I am not sure about the rest. I have often considered my self lucky. I was born right here in the middle of the greatest most free country in the world. I was born in a time of prosperity and growing freedoms. Now of course I had no choice where or when I was born.

What if we did can you think of a better time and a better place to be born. What if your first stop before being born was a ticket booth and you could pick a country to be born in. Considering all the options and their "admission price" (taxes)can you think of a better value than America offers. I think it is worth pondering on this tax day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What are the chances she will show up at a Tea Party

Dick Potatoe or a Dick Army (inside joke, kind of)

Who will join the chorus?

Crunching the numbers

There has been quite a bit of discussion about whether or not President Obama is the most "polarizing" president in along time. A Pew poll reported the divide between Democrats and Republicans on President Obama's job was the widest at this juncture of a Presidency.

The right attempted to grab ahold of this and pump it up. It has been knocked down thoroughly and consistently by those who live out side of the Fox New - Limbauch fantasy world. Chuck Todd of NBC quickly explained that one of the biggest reasons this is happening is that moderates are abandoning the republican party leaving it full of the hard core believers. Additionaly, historically Republicans have been less likely to approve of a Democratic President than Democrats are of approving of a Republican President. Thirdly, over the last 30 years the polarizing of American partisanship has continually increased from President to President.

When all is left is the hardcore believers they wouldn't even approve of President Obama if he successfully freed an American hostage held by pirates, killing 3 of the pirates and arresting the 4th. Hmmm.

So what we are left with is Democrats who have a highly favorable rating of the President, Independants who have a favorable rating in the high 50s - to 60%, and the republicans who are topping out at about 25 - 30%. That still leaves one in four republicans approving of the Presidents job.

My question, what about those moderates that are leaving the Republican party.
The most logical assumption is that they are going to reclassify themselves as Independant. It is doubtful they are jumping all the way over to Democrat. Let's assume that they are moving over one column to Ind. My assumption is that at least half if not more still might not approve of the job of President Obama, they simply do not consider themselves republican currently.

This whole exercise come from the thought that since the loss of moderae republicans is weighing the republicans down to a higher disapproval rating of the President's job approval. It is also proabable that the newly added ex-republicans who are self classify as Indapendants probably are also weighing down the Independant approval rating of the President. If you took out those additional new Independants the approval rating for that group would rise.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Country First?

I have an acquaintance who calls himself an independant. Who has become quite anti-Obama, wondered out loud after the election would you see Republicans and the right wish bad things for American in order to see President Obama fail.

Well we have already played out the Rush Limbaugh argument about "I hope he fails" in fixing the housing crisis, turning around unemployment, fixing the banking crisis, and the economy. We see how many of the Republican politicians have fallen in lock step with Rush.

Now let's see what the Right Wing pundits and reporters have to say regarding the recent Pirate Hostage crisis.

You watch, You decide.

About those parties

Thus, President Obama is being called a “socialist” who seeks to destroy capitalism. Why? Because he wants to raise the tax rate on the highest-income Americans back to, um, about 10 percentage points less than it was for most of the Reagan administration. Bizarre.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Get a grip

You know in the good old days. Now that is a saying I never use. But any way. I do remember the way politics was played for many years. It was played in this manner by both sides with varying degrees of success.

The opposite side would take something the other side believed, said and twisted and exaggerated it to sound horrible.

Some where along the line there is no longer a need to find that initial strand of truth to exaggerate about. I just heard on right wing radio that President Obama was afraid to make a statement about the hostage situation at sea because he was afraid to offend the king of Saudi Arabia, and that we should invest more in hybrid boats so the hijackers wouldn't run out of fuel. The sad thing is that there appears to be a audience of about 28% of the American population that is susceptible to this kind of dribble.

The Not so "Silent" Not so "Majority"

And Glen Beck truly wonders why people suggest such outrageous talk from him and others could be attributed to the violent actions of people across America.

This is reaching the level that the Presidential campaign reached at the Palin - McCain rallies. Glen Beck believes (or pretends to believes) that he is speaking for the silent oppressed majority. Anyone watching the polls knows that President Obama's approval rating is staying right at 60% about 7% percent higher than the actual vote he received. His approval is almost universal across policy and position.

I understand why entertainers can afford to incite an ever shrinking base of voters they need just enough of a niche market to make themselves rich. It has worked marvelously for Hannity, Limbaugh, and now Beck. Politicians on the other hand need to appeal to more than just that shrinking base.

I once heard a business concept that it is not good to be increasing market share in a market that is decreasing. This appears to be exactly what is happening on the right. They are succeeding in increasingly excite the ever shrinking percentage of voters. This concept is a relic left over from Rove - Bush. The concept was to excite the base, scare the middle and suppress the left. This works when the base is close to half of the population. Not so much when your base is topping out 30% and the middle is siding with the President by a decent majority of the time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lobbyists are like Onions they have layers.

Often times as I observe what is going on out in the ether of our political world things don't add up until a few layers are peeled back. I am often awakened with a "eureka" moment.

I may have just stumbled upon one today. I posted a couple of days ago about the mass hysteria about Obama was going to take people's guns away. Watch what you say re: guns. There has always been a bit of disconnect on this topic for me. As I mentioned I have paid attention to Obama for quite some time and have never gotten the sense that gun control was on his radar.
Nonetheless, many on the right have been foaming at the mouth about this subject.

I came across the following article that was actually published back in November. The gist of the article is something like this. The NRA of course is one of the strongest lobby groups in American Politics is funded largely by the "Gun Industry". The NRA spent amounts huge last summer and last fall warning everyone who would listen that Obama would come after their guns. There flyer's and ads and tv appearances ,however, were essentially made up out of whole clothe. They were not about to let facts get in the way of a good story.

What is clear is that every gun seller — not to mention every advocacy group for gun ownership that depends on dues-paying members — has an incentive to stoke the concern that can prompt a gun sale. Political uncertainty, gun dealers say, is great for business. … “Clinton was the best gun salesman the gun manufacturers ever had,” said Rick Gray, owner of the Accuracy Gun Shop in Las Vegas. “Obama’s going to be right up there with him.”

Gun Industry

The result of all this "campaigning / advertising" the surge in gun and ammo sales began shortly after Obama was nominated and geared up into high speed when became clear Obama was going to win. Netting 30 - 50% increase in sales and an increase in membership = membership dues in the NRA. Hmmm. Could it be the money spend last year and the talking points were as much about stirring up business as it was stirring up votes.

Makes you wonder.

Who 'da thunk?

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Baracknophobia - Obey
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

The clip demonstrates two points that I have made previously. 1) I am constantly amazed on how many people are "surprised" "concerned" when President Obama does what Senator Obama had campaigned on. 2) It takes shows like The Daily Show to put our political news "into context" . Yet again The Daily Show proves apt at crystallizing what is going in a humorous and entertaining way. I guess it makes it easier when hypocrisy is funny.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Watch what you say.

You'll notice there was no specific mention of what the Obama Administration was supposedly doing. As a person who would not mind seeing additional control on some of our guns and a person who watches this administration very closely am not aware of any actual steps taken or suggested to take away gun rights in this country.

I am concerned that many on the right do not truly believe what they are saying but simply making statements to rile up the base. Which is extremely scary in light of the following.

There are a number of things in this inteview that are worrisome. How many people do you know that walk around worried about the zionist controlled government. Where did this young man and his best friend get the idea that the government was going to take away his guns.

I have to wonder does Glenn Beck consider this guy to be one of "we" who is doing the surrounding or is he one of "them" being surrounded?