Monday, June 21, 2010

Game Time is over let the Adults in.

Last week's apology by Rep. Joe Barton to BP about made my head explode.  Once my gut reaction subsided slightly, I attempted to think it through as objectively as possible.  I was still completely dumbfounded on this one.  Nearly a week later the Republicans are still figuring out how to respond.  The truth of the matter is there were a number of them spouting the same BS leading up to this moment.  Barton simply did it from the seat of a US House of Representatives Committee seat.  It is one thing for a politician to go all wacky.  When they do it with the air of officialdom that is a whole new ball game. 

Now the leadership has absolutely no choice but to put the hammer down and fast on Barton.  This can't be a Republican story for them, they need a scapegoat to protect them.  Barton is the one.  Don't be surprised if there is not more news about him losing seniority, chairmanship etc.  One has to ask what about the rest who got out in front of Barton with these similar statements.  Bachman, Pence, etc. 

I enjoy when a conservative thinker calls BS on "conservative" politicians. I came across this posting from The American Conservative Magazine takes an objective look at this situation.  It is well worth the read.

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