Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hey look the Dems are coming around too.

Remember down below when I talked about using reconciliation to pass fixes and not to pass Health Care Reform. Well you know what it is catching on. Here are a couple of examples

New York Times

As for the legislative strategy, the Democrats are not trying to pass an entirely new bill under the reconciliation process.

Instead, a reconciliation measure would include only provisions to change the Senate-passed bill in ways reflecting compromises with the House and the White House. Then, in a legislative two-step, the House would adopt the original Senate bill, the House and the Senate would approve the package of changes, and Mr. Obama would sign both into law.

Even Conservative Democrat Kent Conrad Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee is talking the the talk when speaking with Ezra Klein.

So I never thought reconciliation would work for a comprehensive bill. But we don’t need to use reconciliation for the comprehensive bill. That bill passed with the supermajority, with 60 votes, not using reconciliation.

If the House passes that legislation as well, it can go straight to the president. But there’s a potential role for reconciliation in what we call a sidecar. It’s there to improve or perfect the package, and it only will include items that score for budgetary purposes.

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