Saturday, January 10, 2009

Let it go.

I have touched on the John Ziegler (How Obama got Elected) distraction previously. Unfortunately Ziegler needs to continue stirring the pot in order to make his money. That is okay, hey he has got his rights. I tried hard to ignore it after my last post.

After all we have news of another 500,000.00 jobs being lost. Unemployment at 7.2%. We are legitimately debating the best way to prevent "The Great Depression: The Sequel". Two weeks of war in Gaza with hundreds of people being killed. I am standing on my deck one day at 72 degrees and the next at 18 (Can you Global Warming).

(Onenote as I watch this, Does she believe this or is it simply political posturing. She kind of reminds me of Blagoyovich? 1) I very specifically remember bloggers suggesting that Trig was in fact her daughters and I was a little put off. However I do not recall any mainstream media reporting this story. Secondly those stories were started in part on the basis that her daughter was removed from school for a number of months due to some made up excuse. Turns out that she was taken out of school when it was found out she was pregnant. Now let me be absolutely clear I pass no judgement on the daughter, this does not matter one iota to me and is nobodies business. Period. I have stated this in previous postings. In those same posting I noted that this is a two way street. One can't come out and announce her daughter's pregnancy, announce how great it is, announce how proud they are, fly the father to Minnesota, buy him Fancy clothes, put him on the stage, announce how proud they are of him. Imply how great of a family they because the kids are getting married and the family is sticking togehter. Then say how dare anyone discuss this. Does she not understand the hypocrisy of the Republican Party for doing this, as stated before we all can well imagine how the party would have reacted if Pres. Elect Obama's daughter was older and in the same position.

Fair Game: Posted 09/03/08 here

As far as people still believing this story and how it must be an orchestrated media result. Does she care to examine how many people to this day believe Obama is a Muslim. This is an example of either complete ignorance, willful suspension of reality.)

So why does it piss me off so bad when Ziegler and Palin trot out and play the poor little victim game. (I have been following politics long enough to remember the charge that all Democrats and liberals want to do is pander to the victims and not take responsibility). I am not sure of the answer as to why this hits me so viscerally other than the outright hypocirsy and bold faced dishonesty of it. One part I guess, this is how the right had been so successful for so long is that no one has been calling them out on it. They utilized Rush and Hannity and Fox to distribute it. Understanding most people work long hours, tend to their family even longer hours, worry about their health care and how to pay their bills, the simplest to understand soundbite, the simplest narrative, the one they hear the most and they hear from the family and friends wins the day.

Fortunately this year when it become obvious that the Economy truly was in the shitter people were forced to pay attention. Guess what, substance won out over style. One doesn't have to be a Political Scientist to recall that when all hell broke lose in the financial markets the Republicans were running ads about pigs in lipstick, sex ed. in kindergarten, and telling us the fundamentals of the economy are sound. Oh and trotting out one of the least qualified and prepared candidates for Vice President in my lifetime (except maybe Dan Quayle). When they lose they have to go looking for a reason why. This is something I will give McCain credit. He is not out there doing the whining. I have long thought that maybe he wanted to win the Presidency but didn't really want to be President every single day for the next four years. That he is very comfortable in the lovely loser role. To be honest I can not think of a cushier job then Senator.

This was intended to be a quick post introducing the video above and then a response from a poster over at DailyKos. (now yes Daily Kos is a liberal blogging site, but that doesn't make the post false) So here is a strong response to to painting Sarah Palin as a victim game.

Dear Sarah Palin.

1 comment:

MysteryJ said...

I am stealing this from Keith Olberman. Take another look at the screen of the Palin video. It seems her image answers the question at the bottom of the screen.